µ-Slide I Luer Variety Pack

    µ-Slide I Luer Variety Pack
    • µ-Slide I Luer Variety Pack
    • µ-Slide I Luer Variety Pack

    Product with ibidi Polymer Coverslip #1.5 bottom Optimized for inverted microscopy Suitable for adherent cells Suitable for immunofluorescence assays Suitable for cell culture under flow Optimized for phase contrast microscopy

    • Made In Germany

    Variety of µ-Slide I Luer channel slides with 4 times each channel height, specially suited for optimizing experimental conditions in flow applications

    • Large area of uniform shear stress
    • Easy connection using Luer adapters
    • Homogeneous cell distribution with defined optical pathway

    For a detailed product description of the µ-Slide I Luer, please refer to the µ-Slide I Luer product page.

    Surface Modification
    Channel Height
    Surface Modification: ibiTreat: #1.5 polymer coverslip, tissue culture-treated, sterilized
    Channel Height: Variety Pack: 4 times each channel height, 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8 mm
    Pcs./Box: 16 (individually packed)
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    Product with ibidi Polymer Coverslip #1.5 bottom Optimized for inverted microscopy Suitable for adherent cells Suitable for immunofluorescence assays Suitable for cell culture under flow Optimized for phase contrast microscopy

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