User Protocols in Numerical Order
UP 01: Determination of the Chemotactic Behavior of Campylobacter jejuni by using the μ-Slide Chemotaxis (PDF)
Bassamand Elgamoudi, Julian Ketley
UP 06: Protocol for 2D Invasion Assay (PDF)
Aniello Federico, Jochen Utikal
UP 07: Protocol for DRG Neuron Preparation (PDF)
Flavia Millesi, Tamara Weiss, Christine Radtke
UP 08: Protocol for an Adhesion Assay Using Cell Culture Under Unidirectional Flow (PDF)
Hannah Manz, Andreas Brandl
UP 09: Protocol for Live Cell Imaging of the Immune Synapse (PDF)
Víctor Calvo, Manuel Izquierdo
UP 10: Immunofluorescent Staining of Adherent Cells in the ibidi µ-Slide 8 Well (PDF)
Shuntaro Yamada, Ying Xue, Kamal Mustafa
UP 11: Spheroid Culture, Staining, and Clearing for 3D Imaging (PDF)
Julian Hofmann, Louise Ritter, Selina J. Keppler
Video: Z-Stack Through a Spheroid Before and After Clearing in the µ-Slide Spheroid Perfusion