Chemotaxis Assays

ibidi Products for Chemotaxis Assays

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Application Guide

Download the whole "Chemotaxis" Application Guide as a PDF here.

Scientific Posters

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of slowly migrating chemotactic cancer cells in 3D (PDF)

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of slowly migrating chemotactic cancer cells in 3D (PDF)

Presented at the Experimental Biology (EB) Conference 2017, Chicago, Illinois, USA.



Characterization of EGF-guided MDA-MB-231 cell chemotaxis in vitro using a physiological and highly sensitive assay system (PDF)

Presented at the Experimental Biology (EB) Conference 2018, San Diego, California, USA.

Selected Publications

Tomasova L, Guttenberg Z, Hoffmann B, Merkel R. Advanced 2D/3D cell migration assay for faster evaluation of chemotaxis of slow-moving cells. PLoS One, 2019, 10.1371/journal.pone.0219708.
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Biswenger V, et al. Characterization of EGF-guided MDA-MB-231 cell chemotaxis in vitro using a physiological and highly sensitive assay system. PLoS One, 2018, 10.1371/journal.pone.0203040.
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L. Laganenka, R. Colin and V. Sourjik. Chemotaxis towards autoinducer 2 mediates autoaggregation in Escherichia coli. Nature communications, 2016, 10.1038/ncomms12984
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P. Suraneni, B. Rubinstein, J. R. Unruh, M. Durnin, D. Hanein and R. Li. The Arp2/3 complex is required for lamellipodia extension and directional fibroblast cell migration. The Journal of Cell Biology, 2012, 10.1083/jcb.201112113
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Y. Harada et al. DOCK8 is a Cdc42 activator critical for interstitial dendritic cell migration during immune responses. Blood, 2012, 10.1182/blood-2012-01-407098
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Find more publications in the ibidi Reference Database.

ibidi Blog Article

Do you want to get insight in current chemotaxis publications? Then read the ibidi Blog article 5 Methods to Analyze Chemotaxis: Recent Studies Explained.