The Surfaces and Coatings of the ibidi Chambers

ibidi Surfaces and Coatings

Growth, development, and signaling of cultured cells strongly depend on the used surface. ibidi's μ-Slides, μ-Dishes, and μ-Plates have a thin coverslip bottom (ibidi Polymer Coverslip or Glass Coverslip, both with excellent optical quality). They are available with several surfaces. The ibidi μ-Slides, μ-Dishes, and μ-Plates that have an ibidi Polymer Coverslip bottom can be coated in a similar process to standard plastic labware, while fully retaining image quality. ibidi offers Collagen I, Collagen IV, and Poly-L-Lysine coatings.

ibidi Polymer Coverslip

ibiTreat (Tissue Culture-Treated)
ibiTreat (Tissue
Culture-Treated) Surface

Excellent adhesion of adherent cells
Hydrophobic, Uncoated
Hydrophobic, Uncoated

Weak adhesion of adherent cells, application of specific coatings
Bioinert Surface

No adhesion of adherent cells
µ-Patterned Surface

Spatially defined adhesion of adherent cells on spots, different spot geometries available
Elastically Supported Surface (ESS)
Elastically Supported Surface (ESS)

Culture of adherent cells on an elastic surface
Coated Surface
Coated Surface

Culture of adherent cells on a Collagen IV or Poly-L-Lysine surface

Glass Coverslip

Glass Surface
Glass Surface

Adhesion of adherent cells (coating might be required), special microscopy applications

ibiTreat, Uncoated, and Bioinert—A Surface Comparison



Excellent cell adhesion

  • Culture of adherent cells
  • ECM coatings possible

The tissue culture-treated (TC-treated), hydrophilic ibiTreat surface provides excellent cell adhesion, even without a defined protein coating. However, ECM protein coatings can be done on ibiTreat without any restrictions. The ibiTreat surface is ideal for culture of adherent cells that do not need any specific coating.



Weak cell adhesion

  • Culture of adherent cells
  • ECM coatings possible

The hydrophobic Uncoated surface provides weak cell adhesion, if not previously coated with an ECM protein. ECM protein coatings can be done on the Uncoated surface without any restrictions. The Uncoated surface is ideal for the culture of adherent cells that require a specific coating.



No cell adhesion

  • Culture of suspension cells, cell aggregates, spheroids, embryoid bodies (EBs), organoids
  • ECM coatings not possible

The hydrophilic Bioinert surface hinders any protein attachment, thus inhibiting subsequent cell attachment. Unlike with the ibiTreat and Uncoated surfaces, a coating is not possible. The Bioinert surface is ideal for the culture of suspension cells and cell aggregates.

Application Example: Cultivation of Adherent Cells on Different Surfaces

On the ibiTreat surface, all adherent cell types show a strong cell adhesion. A weaker cell adhesion is observed on the Uncoated surface since there is only a serum protein coating. On the Bioinert surface, cells do not attach at all and spheroid formation can be observed in most of the cell types. Depending on the cell-cell-adhesion of the specific cell type, spheroids are formed more or less homogeneously.

Application Example: Cultivation of Adherent Cells on Different Surfaces

Different adherent cell types were seeded on the ibiTreat, Uncoated, and Bioinert surfaces, respectively. The cells were cultured in full growth medium without prior ECM protein coating. Images were taken 24 hours after seeding. Phase contrast microscopy, Scale bar is 300 µm.

ibidi Surfaces Show no Autofluorescence

ibidi Surfaces Show no Autofluorescence

Both the flat, thin bottom material and the excellent optical quality of the ibidi Polymer Coverslip enable high-resolution microscopy without any disruptive autofluorescence.

Read on and learn more details about the ibiTreat, Uncoated, or Bioinert surface.