Practical Courses
Take part in one of our practical courses and learn more about individual cell-based assays. These courses will give you a profound technical background and include hands-on sessions. During the two-day training, our experts will give you tips and tricks that will be helpful with your own experiments.
The courses are intended for scientists and technical associates, who have extensive experience with cell culture and sterile working techniques.
What Our Participants Say
"Actually the practical course "Cell Culture Under Flow" in Munich helped me a lot to optimize my assay, especially by taking the shear rate aspects into consideration in addition to shear stress, and playing with medium viscosity to get better compromise. Very helpful, so thanks again for the coordination that allowed us to attend!"
Laurent Klein, Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland
"Thanks for providing such a great practical course on chemotaxis assays. I have subsequently been successful in optimizing a chemotaxis protocol for THP-1 immune cells! I am sure I never would have managed to set up this experiment at all without your help."
Emily Lynes, German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Tübingen, Germany
"Thank you very much for organizing the training course. It was very helpful. We all enjoyed the course very much and I felt I was energized after attending this training. A big special thank you for letting me rediscover the great value of the ibidi website."
Jing Zhao Garland, University of Cambridge, UK
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