Submit Your ibidi Photo Contest Image Here

For professional printing, we need a high-resolution image in a tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg or png format.

The ideal resolution is 2400 x 2400 pixels (5.76 megapixels) or higher.

The minimum resolution is 1575 x 1575 pixels (2.48 megapixels).

The maximum upload size is 20 MB.

Additionally to your image, please include a short image description with the ibidi product that you have used (the use of an ibidi product is no prerequisite for taking part in the contest).

Deadline for submission is July 31, 2024.

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Before your image can be used for our ibidi calendar, ibidi GmbH needs to make sure that the participant is the owner of all copyrights of the submitted image. The image has to be free of any rights of others and must not be published elsewhere.
The copyright will, at all times, be respected by ibidi GmbH and be retained by the author. ibidi GmbH is allowed to reserve the right to freely reproduce submitted images in all media and in marketing campaigns. ibidi GmbH will not establish any claim versus you or acquire any right with respect to you of your image through publication.
I agree to the ibidi copyright terms. *
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